Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Zealand : Day 1

I'm back in New Zealand! I studied abroad at Canterbury University for one year in 2004, and have been wanting to come back ever since.

A brief note : in 2004 I had a interest in photographing signs that were phrased differently or in a funny way. I hope to be able to share some new signs.
My journey started on 29 December at SFO. I flew 13 hours to Auckland, and then another hour to Christchurch (the city that was my home for 10 months). Needless to say, I was slightly delirious which resulted in a few odd photos. My dad arrived in the afternoon (he comes down here at least once a year for work). After dinner we went to the huge botanical gardens which is in the middle of the city. I have discovered my new favorite flower : the Dahlia
My new favorite flower
Why is there a sheep on top of my head?
Red Bull is sold in bottles?!?!
The best white chocolate ever!
Awesome sign.

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